Professional Information for Directory & Search
  • Employer
    The Chicago Organizer Inc.
  • About Me
    My team works with residential clients who are overwhelmed and don't know where to start. We can help with all rooms in your home with decluttering, organizing, donation removal and start to finish relocation services. We can get you unpacked with a team in usually 1-3 days!
  • Years in the Profession
    16 to 20
  • Business Organization Category
    Relocation and Move Management
  • Residential Organizing and Productivity Categories
    Closets/Closet Design, Clutter Control, Downsizing, Garage/Attic/Basement, General Home Organizing, Home Offices, Kitchens , Move Management, Unpacking from a move, Paper Management, Seniors, Storage Units, Virtual Organizing and Productivity
  • Stamp of Approval